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Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Over Popular “Rock N Play” Baby Sleeper


A class-action lawsuit was filed over the popular Rock N’ Play baby sleeper by one named mother, Cassandra Mulvey — on behalf of herself and others — against Fisher Price and Mattel, claiming they marketed the product as safe for infants to sleep in. This month, all models of the sleeper were recalled following more than 30 infant deaths.

The lawsuit claims the angle at which children would be resting in the sleeper “increases the infant’s risk of developing flat head (plagiocephaly) and twisted neck (torticollis) syndromes, conditions that often require babies to wear expensive head-molding helmets and undergo physical therapy.”

Mattel and Fisher Price said in a statement after the recall last week that they “stand by the safety of our products,” however, “decided to conduct a voluntary recall” because of “reported incidents in which the product was used contrary to the safety warnings and instructions.”

The plaintiff is asking, “on behalf of herself and a class of owners of at least 4.7 million Rock ’n Play Sleepers,” for “damages and all other relief available under law and equity from Fisher-Price and its corporate parent Mattel, including punitive damages for their appalling and unconscionable misconduct.”

Class action lawsuits filed against Fisher-Price over Rock ‘n Play infant deaths, recall


Editorial credit: 360b /